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Joachim Tene | Energy Martial Arts Studio

Joachim Tene


Joachim Tene



Joachim is 10 years old, and already has a brilliant background as a martial artist. He started with Taekwondo at the age of 3, following his Dad (Master Serge Tene) around for all tournaments both provincial and national in Cameroon.

Joachim is certified black stripe (one step away from the black belt). He was Alberta provincial champion (Tiger Challenge) in both Sparring (Gold Medal) and Pattern (Silver Medal). He won both Gold (for Sparring) and Silver (for Board break) at 2018 Glencoe Open Taekwondo Tournament.

Joachim believes that Taekwondo helps him grow his confidence and helps increase his focus at school. He loves competition, maybe that is also why lion is his favorite animal.